Summmer Portraits In The Back Garden

Summer Portraits In The Back Garden
This evening I came home from work to see my boy Archie playing in the back garden with our neighbours daughter. I had my camera on me so I decided to take a couple of summer portraits in the back garden. I hadn’t realised how long it has been since I had took a photograph of Archie. My camera already had my 50mm Canon lens attached so I decided to stick with that. On a couple of photographs I took the f-stop down to about f2.8 to blur out the background. One of the photographs I really liked and decided to make it black and white, I really think it enhances the photograph. My first thoughts were that I will do these photos quickly without any mishaps but as usual as soon as you get your camera out your subject decides that he doesn’t want to do anything interesting or he wants to just grab the camera with his mucky little paws. So even when your subject is your own flesh and blood, it doesn’t make the session any easier….. LOL But he’s still lush!
You can see by these photographs that you don’t always need to have studio style photographs (high key) to capture a great photograph. I think the black and white one of Archie will be going on our hallway wall, when it eventually gets decorated.. Oh, and just in case you were wondering about the photographs of my neighbours daughter.? I haven’t put them on because I haven’t seen my neighbour to ask if I can put them onto my blog. When I see them I will ask if it is okay to put them on and I will then do so. If you have any thoughts regarding these photographs then please let me know with a comment below.