Purple Flower Ball in My Back Yard
Purple Flower Ball in My Back Yard – Allium giganteum
It seems that I haven’t been very much up to date with my blog. Apologies for that and I know it is no excuse but I have been quite busy. So, I thought I would add another photograph of another flower that has popped up in my back yard. The last one that popped up were the tulips. This has all come about because Mrs C decided to rearrange what was in the back yard and add new flowers that will pop up at certain times of the year. Because I have never seen this flower before I thought that I would take a photograph and add it to my blog page. I know it is not a wedding or a family portrait but I guess it’s nice to just show something different from time to time. I had a bit of a look around on the internet and found the actual name for it… Allium giganteum so in case you thought oooo, that looks like a nice flower, you now know what it is called and you can proudly walk into your local garden centre and say ” I would like some Allium giganteum seeds please.. I have also added a photograph of another flower which I’m not really that keen on to say the least but I thought I would add it. I did pop up just after the purple flower ball and someone may like it. By the way I think it is called Tulip Festiva (Germanica).. There you go, you learn something everyday..!