Product Photography G & H Baunche Safe!
On Monday I was asked to do a quick safe job… Now, let me please say that this was not breaking into a job but to photograph a safe which is actually a very rare G & H Bauche french safe. My client was in a bit of a hurry to get the safe photographed as it had to be shipped out the next day and luckily I was available to save the day lol! The problem you have photographing safe’s is that the have a very high gloss finish which incurs lots of reflections that you probably do not want plus they aren’t the lightest of objects to move around so you have to kind of work with the surroundings. Basically, the safe was on a pallet in a corridor with office doors and laminate flooring so I had to get the shots then do a little bit of work using photoshop, as you will see in the photographs below. The post production was more time consuming than I thought it was going to be but hey, I got there in the end.. Please enjoy the photographs 🙂