Megan’s Prom Photo Shoot.

As I promised Megan’s mam Josie that I would not publish any photographs of Megan in her prom dress until after her prom… I now have full permission to show you a selection of photographs that we did. I must say that we got some cracking photographs and I’m really pleased with the results. I know Josie is pleased with them and I’m sure Megan is too.. All of these photographs are of Megan in her Prom dress, some are full length, some are shoulder, I’m sure that you get the idea. I hope you like them as much as I do. Feel free to comment at the bottom of this page…
If you have a son or daughters prom coming up soon and you to would like to arrange a pre-prom photo/portrait shoot then please feel free to CONTACT ME. For only £65 you get nearly two hours of my time in the comfort of your own home or in a location of your choice, if we have time there is no reason to do both.. After that I will go through all of the photographs and pick out a minimum of 20 photographs which I think are the best, (you normally get more than that). Some of which I will do in different styles to give you a feel for what you may or may not like. You will get a personal and private client login to view the photographs. Once you are happy I will put the larger photographs (normally 10″ x 8″ high quality print ready) onto either a DVD Disc or a USB memory stick. These are then ready for you to get printed yourself at a printers of your choice. If you would prefer me to get some done then that can also be arranged.