MC Photography Logo Redesign

MC Photography Logo Redesign
New Look Logo for MC Photography North East
I have been giving a lot of thought about what was the old logo and how to improve it and I have now currently decided upon this new one what you can see now. If you like please let me know and if you don’t then I would really appreciate your thoughts. You may look at it and see other design elements. My reasons for the change was to try and make the older logo a bit more up to date and current. I liked the older version logo a lot and I’ve have kept most old logo elements and design features along with similar colours, the green is slightly brighter than before. Having done this logo redesign, I personally think it gives the brand and website a stronger and more professional feel which I hope will give my audience more cofidence with me and my services. I have also updated my social media sites too. Here is my Facebook Page and here is my Twitter, please feel free to check them out. Now my next step is to redesign all of the other stationary, business cards, invoices, compliment slips the list goes on but this is essential to try and keep the brand in line so not to confuse your audience, customers etc.
This was just a quick blog to keep you all up to date with the new MC Photography North East logo. I hope you like it and please let me know your thoughts.