Lifestyle Photography at Gibside National Park

Lifestyle Photography at Gibside National Park
A couple of week ago I was asked if I could do a few photographs of two sisters at Gibside National Park. We met up and started to have a look around but then decided to just get some photographs as we walked around the park. I must say at this point it was my very first time at Gibside National Park and what a lovely place it is too. You just don’t realise what we have on our doorstep do we?
Anyway, I started to shoot away in different locations around the park. It proved to be a little difficult as the sun was high and very bright causing some unwanted shadows, in some cases the flash was required for fill in light. We had a great day getting photographs in different locations around Gibside National Park. I took the photographs home and sorted through them all seeing what would good for my client “The Parkers”. Some of the photographs I added subtle effects that I though would suit the photograph.
If you are reading this blog and you would like me to take some photographs for you and family then please contact me or you can look at my portrait pricing page with more information to what I offer.
I have added some of the photographs for you all to look at which I hope you enjoy 🙂