Food Porn Photography

Posted by on Jan 23, 2017 in News
Food Porn Photography

Food Porn Photography.

Yes, Food Photography (Flapjacks).

Having been looking at other avenues of photography, I was looking around YouTube for some insperation and I came across Food Photography. It looked kind of interesting, a little bit arty and not too expensive to do. Most of the top food photographers that I looked at seemed to just be using natural light through a window covered by a diffuser. A sturdy tripod and a bit of white card for bouncing  that natural light back onto the food.

I’m not in any way saying that food photography is easy because it is not. You do need to find a good subject and to be able to build up a story about your food. This is where a picture  tells a 1000 words. You have to capture that photograph which makes the viewer look at it, want it, need it and eat it with their eyes. It’s not as simple as putting a plate of food in front of the camera and taking a shot. I did learn that it’s all about dressing the food and what the food is on. Beans on toast (by the way I love beans on toast) on a plate in with dirty pots and pans in the background just wont sell it. It needs to be put into that “Pinterest/Lifestyle” bracket of photography. Remember you’re selling the dream..


Camera Settings:
Manual mode | ISO 100 | 70mm | f4.5 | 1/10 sec

This was pretty much my settings for all the shots. Thank you for reading and I hope you like my photographs.. Please comment below.
Food Porn Photography
Food Porn Photography
Food Porn Photography
Food Porn Photography


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