Family Day at Jesmond Dene – Lifestyle Photography

Family Day at Jesmond Dene – Lifestyle Photography
Today We went to Jesmond Dene, near Newcastle with the missus and the little lad for a family day at Jesmond Dene with lifestyle photography in mind. I took my camera, as I normally do. We went to see Pet’s Corner as Archie (my son) likes his animals. We got there and there were a few ducks and goats out but nothing really special to photograph plus the fact Archie didn’t even seem interested in the goats and ducks, he did notice a slide as we walked in so I think the slide was in the back of his mind as he kept shouting “SLIDE!” “SLIDE!”. We got the hint and took him to the park with slides and climbing frames. I know you will look at the photographs I have added and think, where are the ducks and goats and photographs on the slide. Well to be honest, I kind of forgot I had the camera until I saw Archie under the slide just looking great, as he does. I knew when I took the photographs of him that they had to be in black and white when I finally processed them. There was something about his look when I took the photographs they looked timeless in a way that they could have been taken in any decade, I would have said century but I don’t think the clothes would have fitted into the 19th Century. One other thing is…. I really love black and white photographs.
So getting back to the whole purpose of this blog I have added the photographs below which are all in black and white and some are a bit moody this was due to the fact that for some strange reason Archie went in the huff. Why? I guess I will never know but I think they look great. Okay, so here they are and I hope you like them as much as I do. If you are thinking of some lifestyle photographs for you and your family then please take time to look at my Portrait Photography Prices for a run down of what you get for you money.