Red Apple and Purple Tulips Stock Photography
Red Apple and Purple Tulips Stock Photography
Recently added to my Alamy Stock Photography here are three images I took the other day in my back yard of a red apple and purple tulips. As you will see, these images are not with the standard high key white backgrounds that I have previously submitted and been accepted by the way. I decided to give them a different look. The apple I put onto a garden table and shot it from a 45ยบ angle with a Canon speedlite using a softbox placed directly above the apple, which I think has turned out okay.? The two photographs of the purple tulips are of the same tulip but at different angles. I used the same Canon speedlite at different angles which produce nice results. Why did I use a speedlite flash in daylight? Simple because the shadows were pretty severe so I needed to add some secondary light to the photograph, plus it also makes the subject pop out a bit more than normal. I guess I will have to wait a couple of days to see if these photographs have been accepted. I hope you like them as much as me and please feel free to comment on them too..